Final Piece:
Some thumbnail sketches for the robot brief; going to go with the bottom leftmost sketch. a robot with a sword and shield seems less of a cliche than the others.
Some development sketches. Going with a tripod + sword wielding hybrid but struggling on the head/ chest-y bit.
Here's a WIP:
And here's the latest update:
I've a clear direction to go now, and I'm only half-unimpressed by the design after being stumped for a couple of hours about where to go.
This is the furthest I've got so far; I've been working on the floor without a desk which has made it finicky and awkward to even trawl for funny cat pictures let alone paint, so I've not come as far as I'd liked and I'll have to finish this over the weekend. The accumulated work is definitely over 8 hours.
Oh and as to my absence: I've a doctors appointment today, sorry for not being present to fill the room with joy and raucous laughter.
If you're still reading, then what are you doing you numpties; "polite applause" and move to the next person.